Papst Franziskus in Israel -Mai 2014

Papst Franziskus in Israel - Mai 2014

    Papst Franziskus ist der vierte Papst, der in das Heilige Land reisen wird. Er wird Israel am 25. und 26. Mai 2014 besuchen - anläßlich des 50. Jahrestages des historischen Besuches von Papst Paul VI.

    Am 5. Jänner 2014 hat Papst Franziskus seine Reise ins Heilige Land angekündigt: "Der Hauptgrund dieser Pilgerreise des Betens ist es, dem historischen Treffen zwischen Papst Paul VI. und dem  Patriarchen Athenagoras zu gedenken, welches am 5. Jänner, vor genau 50 Jahren, stattfand."

    Frühere Papst-Besuche:

    • Papst Paul VI: Jänner 1964
    • Papst Johannes Paul II: März 2000
    • Papst Benedikt XVI: Mai 2009

    Papst Franzsikus in Israel: Spezielle Seite auf der Website des Israelischen Außenministeriums

    Hintergrund-Information and Updates während des Besuchs von Papst Franziskus in Israel

    Diese spezielle Seite ist auch in Spanisch verfügbar - El Papa Francisco en Israel
  • Pope Francis in Israel - by Akiva Tor

    The visit of Pope Francis to Israel on May 25-26, 2014 marks an important milestone in the deepening relationship between the Catholic Church, Israel and the Jewish people.

    In 1965, the Second Vatican Council adopted Nostra Aetate ("In our time"), a statement of doctrine which rejected the charge of deicide, condemned all forms of anti-Semitism and reaffirmed the permanence of spiritual relationship between God and historic Israel. But it would take another 28 years until the Vatican recognized the modern state of Israel and established diplomatic relations in 1993. This was a development of huge political import for us, deepening our relationship with one billion Church faithful, many in the developing world. For the Vatican it had major theological significance, because it meant that the Church now understood the return of the Jews to their land and to history, not as a problem for Catholic teaching, but as a reaffirmation of it.

    I remember the incredible excitement which marked the pilgrimage visit of John Paul II to Israel in 2000, and the prayer note which he placed at the Western Wall, and which now resides at Yad Vashem. It read: "We are deeply saddened by the behavior of those who in the course of history have caused these children of yours to suffer, and asking your forgiveness, we wish to commit ourselves to genuine brotherhood with the people of the Covenant."

     Copyright: GPO
    The visit of Pope Francis will be the third Papal pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 15 years. It includes prayer at the Western Wall, a meeting with the Chief Rabbis, a visit to Yad Vashem, a festive interfaith event with President Shimon Peres at the President's Residence, and a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    In addition, Pope Francis will lay a wreath at the grave of Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism. Indeed this is part of the official protocol, but consider the progress made since Herzl's failed meeting with Pope Pius X in 1904. At that time, the Vatican rejected the national aspirations of the Jewish people and called for their conversion, if perchance they managed to settle in the Holy Land. A century and ten years later, our relationship has transformed from deep rejection to equal footing, spiritual respect, and political legitimation.

    The Pope has a unique personal style, a common touch, warmth and modesty, love of the poor, and during his Cardinalship promoted a strong relationship with the Jewish community of Argentina. Speaking to La Republica in September last year, Pope Francis made the following remarkable statement: "Through the awful trial of these last centuries, the Jews have preserved their faith in God. And for this, we, the Church and the whole human family, can never be sufficiently grateful to them."
    The Papal entourage to Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority includes a rabbi and an imam, two friends of the Pope from Buenos Aires, but also important symbols of his spiritual message to our region. I believe that his message and personal example will resonate deeply with Israelis, in this difficult time for peace in particular, and we look forward to sharing with him his smile, vision, hope and prayer.
